Monday 20 June 2016

Lets Get the Party Started

For some reason I am super nervous about my first post and seem to have been putting it off and off and off again, if there was an excuse as I why I haven't got it started yet then I can assure you I have used it. But, now is the time so I'll get started.

I guess there are 4 'key' parts to my life;
1. Married and a mother of two
2. Deeply passionate about fitness
3. I run my own business
4. I have Multiple Sclerosis

My life seems very basic and simple when I note it down in such a manner as '4 key points' doesn't it? Let me assure you though that there is nothing, nothing at all that is simple or basic about my life. I am sure that any mother can relate to that.

Being a full-time stay at home mum and house wife can be pretty tricky at the best of times (especially when your children are 1 and 3 years of age) but I absolutely love it. If I had a pound for every time I screamed 'Michael, come here' when I am doing a basic shop in Sainsbury's, I'd be a millionaire by now! I just love it.

The housewife part is simple too. Every step I take around the house involves me picking up various toys, bits of chewed up food or whatever lies in my path and disposing of. Every time I enter the kitchen I put the washing on or take the washing out, do the washing up (again), grab some food or start preparing breakfast, lunch or one the 3 dinners I will need to make that evening. Smile when husband arrives home from work and great with a bottle of beer - house wife done.

Fitness is a huge passion of mine and the one thing that I always, without fail, manage to find time to fit into my schedule. Having a chronic illness means that it is important to stay as fit and healthy as you can and that is all the excuse that I need. Squeezing an intense home workout in in the morning before toddler group is essential to me, a great way to get the day started and then I'll get a run done in the afternoon when Michael is at pre school (as I said, any excuse). Loads more to talk about on this subject as time goes on.

Running my own business is just fabulous. I get to work my own hours around the rest of my crazy life and make a good living from it, who could ask for more. The product that I work with is something else that I am hugely passionate about purely because I believe that it is what has given me the strength and capability to live my non-stop hetic life to its full - more about that at later date too.

So having MS is a pretty big part of my life, I guess. There's the thing, it 'was' a huge part of my life but these days, not anymore really. Over the last 3 years I have learnt to live with it, deal with it and basically get over it! The whole reason for my blog was behind me having MS really, I know of so many people that seem to really suffer from the illness and I figure that if there is just one thing that I could share that would maybe inspire just one person then it would be worth doing. So that's it, the orginal reason that I am here. I hope you stick with me and enjoy my daily ramblings but mostly, I truly hope to inspire someone who may need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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