Wednesday 22 June 2016

Hanging up my running shoes

It absolutely pains me to say this but I am having to hang up my running shoes (very much for the time being).
Apparently something is happening to my knee that means when I am 10-or-so minutes into a run my knee whats to give in and collapse! Arrgh. I can not tell you how this angers me.

The worst thing about it is the not knowing. I am currently waiting for the x ray results that will hopefully confirm what the issue is and indeed, if there is one at all.  The problem with MS is that there is every chance that I am having a relapse (of some sort) and that there is actually nothing wrong with me knee its just that my brain is telling me it hurts. Arrrgghh again. I guess the good news is though is that if it is a MS thing at least I know I can keep fighting through it without causing any further damage and this is very much something that I intend to do. You've got to hit me with something harder than that to keep me down!!!  If its not MS then great news again, at least I can get whatever is wrong fixed.

So its a sad day for me and my poor old running shoes that swing alone, but (and its a massive BUT), bring on the home workouts and get sweating.....

 I only said that I couldn't run didn't I?!?!?!?

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