Tuesday 10 January 2017

Let's Talk Training

It feels like forever since my last blog. It has been forever since my last blog, and what's my excuse? I feel like I have a million and one but actually, its simply because I'm knackered and if I'm honest, I am secretly quite desperate to blame it on my MS. Be it fatigue, mental blog, depression, whatever, but the truth is that I'm just one tired lady.

Being a stay at home Mum to a 1 and 3 year old is pretty hard going as I am sure many people know but add to that, a husband to feed & water plus a 26.2 mile marathon to train for..... bluuurrr. Most evenings are the same, by the time the boys are down, dinner is cooked and eaten, dishes done, face washed and teeth brushed its 10pm and I am totally done. Before you know it, I am being woken up from the sofa and told to go to bed.

This is my life and my problem to deal with, I get that but it's also my pitiful excuse as to why I have not managed to post a blog in a while - girl must try harder!

Let me talk about my training though. It is amazing. I have completely fallen in love with Trail running (thank goodness being as I am soon to be running 26.2 miles of it), it is tough and taking its toll on my body but never the less, it is a love affair that carries the same thrill. There is just something about getting out there, rain or shine, and freeing your mind that brings an overwhelming happiness from within you. It is like having a little bit of time to forget who you are or who you are expected to be.

You get to just 'be' and nothing feels more uplifting. I do appreciate that not everyone with MS is able to put on their trainers and start running but I do recommend getting out there. Move your body as much as it will let you and just get out there. To enjoy the world, your surroundings and be grateful for them, its just something else. So much so that I have just signed up to do another full trail marathon this year,  and 3 half marathons. Oh my goodness, I'm not sure what has gotten into me but it must be love, the love of the trails and the freedom that joins it. The crazy thing is that the 2nd full marathon falls on the very date that I turn 40 years old!! Some people may call me crazy but  I think, to hell with that, it is amazing.  Not many women (especially with a chronic illness) are going to be able to say that in a way of celebrating them turning the ripe old age of 40, did they tie up their laces, put on their race numbers and run across country of over 26 miles. Yay me, it is going to be epic and I can not wait.

But now we are talking serious business, serious training and serious nutrition and up until a week or so ago, I hadn't a clue. I always just figured that I'm having a great time, running is fun and my health is at its best. That's me, happy. But it turns out that I really do need to pay attention to how I train, to avoid injuries etc and to take a look a what I eat, to save fatigue. Well this is a whole new world to me, I'm like a rabbit in the headlights. But as advised, I have done a little research on the nutrition side and it is actually looking very promising. Much of the recommended foods have also appeared within the guidelines of an MSers diet and something that I should already be paying attention to. At this stage I haven't ventured too far into it but last nights meal was tasty and full of greens such as kale, broccoli and sprouts along with chicken and whole wheat pasta. A melody on the taste buds (despite what my husband says).

So here's the start of another 'new' for me and one that I am keen to share with you all. Training and food, I bet you can't wait for my next post ;-)